Shirt Laundering and Dry Cleaning
Very few people have the time to wash and iron their shirts so let Snowtex Dry Cleaners take care of them for you. With Snowtex, not only will your shirts stay like new for longer, but they will shine with hand pressed quality.
Using our state-of-the-art Sankosha Double Buck Shirt Machine Snowtex can achieve great results with even the most soiled shirts. This machine is the most modern, highest quality shirt-processing unit in the industry. Essentially a Japanese robot, this system, when paired with a skilled Snowtex shirt presser, allows us to process nearly 100 shirts per hour all with a hand pressed quality finish that will make the need to ever iron your shirts again a distant memory.
Snowtex press all shirt types:
- Business shirts
- Fitted shirts
- Short-sleeve shirts
- Pleated shirts
- Tradie’s work shirts
So for a hand pressed finish, bring your shirts to Snowtex Dry Cleaners.
See Our Specials